Babies - 5th Grade

Every Sunday Morning

About AKids

In Arrowhead Kids (babies - 5 grade), we work to continue building up a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. We do this by teaching our kids about the nature and character of God—that He is wise, generous, loving and good. Our hope is to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children by creating environments, curriculum, and resources that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ. On Sundays in AKids, we worship through song, teach them from the Bible, and gather in small groups (by age) to talk about Scripture together.

When is Akids?

AKids is during every Sunday morning service. Before parents head into the main auditorium, they simply take their kids to check-in and then kids go to their own class. In their classrooms, kids are going to play, dance, make crafts, and learn the Bible story in a way that engages with them right where they are at.

Our hope is that parents can worship and focus on the Word of God, knowing that their kids are worshiping and learning at their own age level in AKids

How do you keep kids safe?

Safety is a top priority in AKids and we have many procedures in place to protect our kids. From check-in to check-out, to all the activities in between- our team and systems are set up to keep kids safe while they have fun. We make sure every teacher is aware of any medical needs or allergies that a child may have and adjust our plans accordingly.

We have a security team stationed throughout each AKids area as well as many monitored security cameras. All classrooms are staffed by multiple (background checked) volunteers at once and no adult is allowed into a kids space without a verified volunteer tag or a guardian pick-up tag.

For security reasons, we don’t detail every procedure we have in place to keep kids safe, but you can read about a few more of our procedures by tapping on the sections below.

  • Check-in begins 15 minutes before each service. When you arrive, you’ll check your child in using the touch screens and a team member will be there to assist you if you need any help. You will then receive two security stickers with a unique code, which serve three purposes:

    • Parenting Paging - If we need you during the service for any reason, the number on your sticker will display on the screens. You’ll also get a text message from the teacher.

    • Allergy Check - If your child has any allergies or medical notes the teacher should be aware of, it’s printed right on their name tag.

    • Child Pick-up - You must present your portion of the sticker which matches your child’s before we release your child. No one can pick up a child without this tag.

  • Our volunteers are all carefully trained and background checked. Every volunteer will be wearing a name tag (printed that morning) with a special checkmark to show they have an active background check. Before serving, they must go through a references check and a waiting period, followed by the training period.

  • For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours.

    If your child is ill, they should not be in AKids. Here are a few signs of sickness, in which case, we would ask your child not to attend for a Sunday:

    • Fever

    • Diarrhea

    • Persistent runny nose with substantial discharge

    • Lethargy

    • Persistent cough

    Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have. This will be printed on their check-in tag.

What do you teach?

  • For our younger AKids, we use The Gospel Project as our curriculum. The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s a Christ-centered chronological study in how every page of the Bible points to Jesus! We use games and illustrations to teach Scripture in a fun and memorable way.

    Watch a video to learn more about the Gospel Project here!

  • For our older AKids, we use a curriculum called "Explore the Bible": A weekly Bible study where AKids work their way book by book through God’s Word in a way that is age-appropriate, engaging and sustainable. Games, illustrations and colorful notebooks teach Bible skills and help our older AKids connect the dots of Scripture to see how each part of to Bible points us to Jesus.

    Learn more about this curriculum here!

Meet our AKids Team


Meet our AKids Team 〰️

Family Resources

We believe it's a parent's greatest responsibility and privilege to teach and train children to follow Jesus. We have so many resources for families! Find them at the link below.

We also have created our own kids video content, available on our AKids YouTube channel or on the Arrowhead Church app.