Free tools to help you and your family take next steps with Jesus
Sermon Videos
Watch the most recent sermon (video + audio) posted online, typically by Tuesday morning.
Arrowhead Books
Daily devotional guides, books published by Arrowhead staff, and a curated online bookstore of recommended reading.
Baptism Resources
Learn what the Bible says about baptism through these resources.
Family Resources
Book recommendations, family discussion guides, and worship videos for your kiddos.
Arrowhead Story Videos
Watch videos of people at Arrowhead Church who share what God has done in their lives.
Church Center App
Stay connected, watch sermons, and more with the Church Center app
The Church Center app allows you to manage almost every part of your connected at Arrowhead Church, including:
Media: Watch sermons, live streams, and kids dance videos
Volunteering: Manage your serving schedule and blockout future dates
Groups: Find a group, see upcoming group events, and even message your group right from the app
Events: Browse all upcoming events, sign up, cancel, and even make payments for trips
Give: Make a one-time or ongoing donation, and view your entire giving history
Church Directory: If you’re a partner, view the church directory of other partners in the church. Plus, you can manage what information is shared to others.